
Confidence (Re)discovered

I am a very observant person and have noticed how people carry themselves when they say “I am confident”. To be CONFIDENT means a lot of different things to different people. One may say that to be confident means they are able to remain steadfast in their position of a particular topic due to the proven facts they believe. Another may say that confidence is the assurance that victory or success will come no matter what is presently happening. Yet another will simply say confidence is faith in oneself.

According to Merriam-Webster the definition of being confident is:

  1. a: a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances

b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way

2.  the quality or state of being certain

Confidence leads to the views of success and how you feel when you have it. Why? Success will be harder to maintain without the confidence needed in order to keep going. I have come to know through experience and observation that confidence is born when rejection sings the loudest melodies to the heartbeats of our passions. Confidence is born when you have (re)discovered the power that lies on the inside.

“(Re)discovered”? Yes…(re)discovered because at one point in time we had the confidence to be and do the biggest things imaginable when we were young little grasshoppers. I remember when I was 8 or 9 years old, telling someone that I wanted to have my own business and be a “well-known” writer. I lost my zeal and drive towards that dream when life happened. Will I let people who are really not for me dictate my future or will I allow what they say drive me to another level of freedom that comes from truly standing on what I know is true?

When (re)building this confidence, mistakes, failure and even embarrassment will be there but the only way it will keep us down is if we don’t learn from it. I have come to know that if you do not learn from a mistake and/or failure then you will be sure to repeat it again and again. That can also be known as insanity.

Once this confidence is (re)building within you and you have embraced your once quenched drive and passion again you will turn around and see the people who have been cheering for you the whole time. Which leads me to my own personal belief of the anatomy of confidence: knowing that you do not have to do anything by yourself and the assurance that you have a group or team of people around that you can trust with what you have, where you’re going and most of all who you really are.

I would love to hear how you define what it means to be CONFIDENT.  Do you believe that leads to your views and feelings of success? How would you encourage someone who is in the process of (re)building their confidence in their self?
Let’s discuss this part of our journey!

