~Series~ Matters of the Heart

Anesthesia Part 1 – Intro

While teaching in children’s church, another person and I were having a conversation about someone having surgery. One of them must have heard the word surgery in passing and he asked, “Does surgery hurt?” The other lady said, “Not during the time of surgery but once the medicine wears off after the person wakes up then the pain can hit. It also depends on what type of surgery has taken place that can determine the amount and length of pain.” I can agree with that. Yet the common denominator will be that there will be a pain when the medicine wears off. 

It is common for us to think about “anesthesia” when we hear about surgeries. Anesthesia is defined as “artificially induced loss of ability to feel pain, done to permit the performance of surgery or other painful procedures” according to medicaldictionary.com (emphasis added). If something is done artificially then it is not original and has altered the pure intent by doing the opposite of design. With anesthesia, it was designed to make you NOT feel if administered by the correct person, an anesthetist, then it will not be detrimental to your health and life. Yet people who get surgeries no matter if they are surgeons, doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist, etc. cannot administer the anesthesia to themselves because they will go to sleep too quickly and will not give the full amount or they will give it to themselves too fast and cause more problems for the doctors. 

We self-administer anesthesia within our relationships as a defense mechanism to control how much pain we feel from another.  There are many types of anesthesias just like there are many different types of defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms can come in various ways of different ways such as sabotaging of the relationship, lashing out for suppressed and unaddressed matters, lack of knowledge of effective communication, holding offenses, fear of trusting, among many other things. We have this ability to steer the relationship by where our hurts have placed our hearts towards people. It can seem only right when situations come up that are similar to that which has happened in past we administer a type of anesthesia so that we do not feel the depth of our pain, hurts, and disappointments. As we are giving out these types of anesthetics we are not taking into account the actual need for the confronting our feelings and processing them with the doctor’s help. 

The etymology of the word anesthesia is a Greek word anaesthesia” want of feeling, lack of sensation (to pleasure or pain). When there is anesthesia injected into the veins of a relationship there is actually want for feelings instead of causing a numbing effect. Not only that but it is an outcry of understanding of what is not being said. We can feel so much that it can cause us to not be able to feel anything at all; before we know it we have been numb for so long that there has been a loss a level of mobility in the functionality of that area of our hearts. We hold up the past hurts in order to filter through the present day successes and it will cause a lack of joy and self-doubt. 

We will need to continue to submit our hearts to The Lord, Jehovah Raphe, The Great Healer so that HE can perform the surgeries to get to the root of our defense mechanisms and just cause of administering our selected choices of anesthetics into our relationships. The only way to protect ourselves in relationships is to stand behind the Lord so that He can be Jehovah Nissi, The Lord My Banner. Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need ONLY to be still.” One of the latest posts that I wrote entitled, “What is a Relationship?” I stated that Jesus shows us the qualifications and I will add the prerequisite, to relationships is having your arms open and outstretched. Even Jesus shows us that there are areas of love that will cost great pain but on the other side of it is where the greatest outpouring of strength, grace and, the blueprint to show others the way to go.

The Lord knows exactly how much our hearts can take…We cannot guide His hands on the operating table…we are the patients…not the surgeons.

….To be continued…

~Tracy J

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